Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017: A New Year for Continuance?


1. formal
   the state of remaining in existence or operation
   the extent of continuing
   the quality of enduring

We all know how much of struggle 2016 has been for many of us. On so many levels, many of us experienced tragedies with the loss of loved ones or life changing events. We often look to the new year and say "This is gonna be my year", or variations of "I'm gonna leave this past year behind me". While there are years that we do make significant progress from the year before, many times we find ourselves repeating some of the same habits and mistakes that we vowed to work on in the new year. Does that mean we are bound to our flaws and that we are destined for another year of struggles? Does that mean the happiness we seek is unattainable? I don't think so.

I am by no means a motivational speaker. But I do see and pay attention to what I say to myself and post on social media as well as what others post and say to me in conversation. I don't think I have ever tried to make a New Year's resolution. I personally feel like doing so sets me up for failure. I struggle with continuous forward movement because, personally, I have a few regrets that I just can't shake. I find myself often pining over mistakes that I have made and opportunities that I have missed. If I had to chose a fatal flaw of mine, it would be that I seriously lack motivation sometimes. In trying to find new ways to motivate myself, I often look back on the pain that I harbor due to my past. I've come to find out that it eventually works but the time it takes, the agony and stress that I experience within the process ends up really not being worth it in most cases. The only time I feel like it was worth it was when I (finally!) released my book, Soul Therapy: a collection of works inspired by the life of Max Lit. In retrospect, that process cost me way more emotionally and otherwise than I was prepared to sacrifice. In the end, though, it is what it is. All I can do is learn from the experience, accept the fact that things are the way they are in some regards and hope that whatever amends that can be made, I am given the opportunity to do so.

But what does all that have to do with the new year and new beginnings? I think what happens when we try to "make new beginnings" is that we try to reinvent ourselves under this extremely crazy deadline of "a new year". While many, including myself, will lean towards better habits, exercising more, drinking less, etc., sometimes we forget that these are life changing events that really can't be realistically imposed starting on the 1st. Some succeed in making it happen. I for one have never succeeded in that regard. For me to reach the milestone that was the release of my book, I actually had to give myself a relaxed deadline of an entire year to say I wanted this to happen. I called this past year, my 36th, my own personal "36th Chamber" in reference to my admiration and affinity for my favorite hip-hop group, The Wu Tang Clan. There is a long explanation of what the 36th chamber is and for that explanation in regards to the old kung fu flick, you can follow this link. The short version is that the 36th chamber was a new chamber that a student, who had progressed through the 35 chambers of his martial arts training relatively quickly, wanted to create to teach martial arts to commoners. In my case, I looked at the 36th chamber as a moment of personal achievement, the point in my life where it was time for me to make the leap that I had been saying for too long that I wanted to. I turned 36 on October 1st, 2015 and by June 8th, 2016, my first book was published. That was the first thing I set out to do, other than releasing an independent hip hop album  in 2005 at 25, that I saw through to it's fruition. 10 years later, might I add, lol!!!!

2016 was tough for a lot of us. Many of my close friends, co-workers and those in my extended poet/ artist family experienced tragic losses of family members and friends. I tried my best to not leave 2016 with a bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to continue on the path that I had traveled in 2016, although that path wasn't entirely as awesome as the release of my book. That truly was the highlight of my year, but as I mentioned earlier, the process to get to that point wasn't ideal. While there are sacrifices that need to be made to achieve anything of substance, you have to weigh the costs of those sacrifices and the impact that those sacrifices will have on you and those who love and care about you, and be ready to deal with the fallout. You have to own the decisions you make, good or bad and accept the consequences, again, good and bad. I came to the realization, as I reflected on 2016 alone at home New Year's Eve, that my 2016 was a direct result of how I chose to deal with certain things. I had good moments and bad moments, but most of those bad moments consisted of me making decisions and then agonizing over the things that occurred due to those decisions. Most of that came from indecisiveness in sticking to some of the things I felt I needed to do. Some of the agony came from not being able to accept some of those decisions, in that I couldn't control the outcome of said decisions. A good portion of the negative things I went though was me being pissed that I was allowing some things I had experienced to affect me to the point where I was dormant creatively, with a book on deck, trying to find ways to market and push the book, but finding myself not doing anything that I needed to do because my mind, heart and spirit wasn't right. I was completely responsible for that and the acknowledgement of that only motivated me in spurts. I allowed myself to be consumed by my own bullshit, and the acknowledgement of that kept me less than motivated more times than not.

Fortunately, I have people that noticed me going through something, reached out to me and encouraged me to fight through the funk that I fell into, due to negative situations that I had created. My sister, friends, my manager at work and others who knew of what I wanted to accomplish, pushed me to just talk, or sometimes, just listen to the advice they had to give. Some offered me books to read (Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates was a major mentality booster), others encouraged me to try different methods of meditation and refection, while others "forced" me to face my role in my own struggles. There were plenty of nights that I laid awake just trying to sift through what was going on. Weeks went by that I didn't sleep for more than an hour or two a night, at best. I had struggles at work, just trying to be there and be effective. Relationships with some people deteriorated and I questioned relationships that I found myself trying to cultivate. I found myself in the house many days doing absolutely nothing productive at all. I found ways to try to escape my thoughts and feelings but all those things did was enhance the anxiety, the worry, the over thinking. I am by no means out of the woods when it comes to a lot of these things, but I am truly looking to 2017 to continue in the work that friends like Marlanda 'Sapient Soul' Dekine, Shemu'el Namaste, Lindsey 'Flower' Stevens, Davelyn Hill, Scott Neely and Crystal Irby feel like I can be a part of. I want to be able to mend some of the broken relationships that I have and not allow things out of my control to hinder me from achieving what I feel is my destiny, to restrict my walk on my path. I want to be able to freely admit my flaws and openly express myself without hesitation. I want to follow through on my commitments much better than I currently do and I want to leave a lasting impression on each and every person that I meet or who reads my work. But most of all, I want to live free. Completely free.

So, am I about to make a New Year's resolution? Maybe, but I would like to think this is a life resolution that I feel like I laid the groundwork for starting on October 1st, 2015. 2016 was a learning experience for me, hands down. I believe 2017 can be, not a starting point for me but a continuation upon what I feel is the growth that I truly need to continue to get to where I see myself as a writer an artist but above all, a person. I want to always be in a position where I am always creating, always writing, always influencing, always living and working in the moment. I want everything I went through in 2016 to have been worth it.

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